Question: What is the difference between ASTME 84 and CPAI-84?
Answer: ASTM E-84 measures the flame spread and smoke index, which are considered the surface burning characteristics of a material. Depending on the numbers, materials can have classifications of Class A, B, or C according to NFPA , ANSI/NFPA No. 101, "life Safety Code" , 2006 Edition, or IBC (International Building Code), 2006 Edition, Chapter 8, Interior Finishes, Section 803, if they pass any level of this standard. The test is conducted in a fire tunnel using a 22" x 24' sample of the material. The ignition source is 7 seconds in duration, total test is 10 minutes. The flame front cannot exceed 24" during the test. Results are expressed as Flame Spread Index, and Smoke Developed Value.
CPAI-84 does not measue flame spread. It measures the char length and mass lost as well afterflame. CPAI-84 does not insure that a fabric is flame retardant. It is a test method for evaluating the flame resistance of fabrics and other materials such as plastic sheeting.