

 Surface Protection- Carpet Protector, Counters, Floors, Steel, Granite....                                World-World-class performance, made in the USA: Global Plastic Sheeting

Whether you are a DIY (Do It Yourself) homeowner, or a contractor beautifying customer's homes, here are the products that will protect the surfaces that you don't want to accidentally ruin. Both self adhesive and non self adhesive, these films were engineered to do the job they were made for. Please click on the product links below to learn more about each one.



GPS Countertop Plastic

Surface protection for counters

  • Scratch protection for all types of countertops
  • Clear and Blue tinted film, 3 mil thickness
  • State-of-the-art adhesive system
  • Easily installed and removed

Countertop Plastic Pricing

Granite Plastic

  • Self-adhesive film to protect granite from scratching, marring and more

Marble Plastic

  • Self-adhesive film to protect marble from scratching, marring and more

Deep Drawing Applications 

  • Self Adhesive surface protection for stainless steel & aluminum

AllProtek Universal Surface Protection

Outstanding adhesive strength for both horizontal and vertical applications.

  • Sticks to everything - no need for tape
  • No adhesive residue
  • Walls, ceilings, floors
  • Stops liquids, dirt, scratches
  • Fire Retardant Version Available

GPS Carpet Plastic -Surface protection for your carpets!

This film has been doing a great job for decades! What makes ours great?

  • Made in the USA
  • Stocked for Automotive, RV and Expostion 
  • 2mil & 3 mil

Buy Carpet Plastic Self Adhesive plastic sheeting 760 597 9298

Hard Floor Plastic- Surface Protection for Hard Floors

GPS Tacky Doormat

  • Sticky doormats that trap dirt from your shoes
  • Awesome product to keep dirt and dust out!

Countertop Plastic Video

Grab your popcorn and enjoy!

GPS product aare made in the USA except for 3 items.  Quality like none other.  760 597 9298




Resource page for Plastic Sheeting, Greenhouse Plastic, Fire Retardant Products, HDPE- LLDPE, Tapes  760 597 9298 Global plastic sheeting

Need to Move Beyond The Surface? Let's Talk!

By Phone Toll Free In the U.S.:  866 597 9298

By Phone Directly:   760 597 9298

By Fax:  760 597 9574

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