Turf Protection - Athletic Field Covers
Why choose Poly Scrim 5 for your Baseball Athletic Field Cover?
Poly Scrim 6 is a 3-ply, 6 mil extrusion laminate combining two layers of linear, low density polyethylene a high strength cord grid. It is specifically engineered to provide high strength and durability in a lightweight material. You may have covers made with grommets, tie-downs, hems, zippers, drains, and 3-D custom shapes!
Poly Scrim 6 is a light weight solution for athletic field covers, or covers that need to withstand sun damage and not degrade due to extended exposure to sunlight. The high strength cord protects against tears, and wind damage.
Poly Scrim 6 is ideal to protect athletic fields such as softball or baseball fields and sidelines from adverse weather conditions. Poly Scrim 6 athletic field covers retain their strength and flexibility in extreme temperatures and are UV stabilized to withstand sun exposure.
When weather events threaten the condition of your baseball, softball, or football field, as well as a tennis court, or outdoor sporting surface, you need a cover that is quick and easy to install yet tough and reliable year after year.
The colors are: Black/White, Black or White.
Ask us about field drainage options for under the turf.