Flame Retardant
Moisture Resistant
Minimum Application Temperature is 40 degrees F.
Minimum Service Temperature is 0 degrees Fahrenheit
Maximum Short-Term Temperature is 180 Degrees Fahrenheit
A superior flame retardant polyethylene coated moisture resistant tape with an exceptionally aggressive adhesive to a variety of substrates including steel and plastic.
Applications for this flame retardant tape:Roll Information:
Adhesive: Rubber
Backing: Polyethylene coated cloth
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By Phone Toll Free In the U.S. 866 597 9298
By Phone directly: 760 597 9298
By Fax: 760 597 9574
Global Plastic Sheeting, Inc.
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 8313 Chula Vista, CA 91912 866.597.9298 Warehouse & Sales Office: 1781 Key Lane, El Cajon, CA 92021 © 2008-2022 www.globalplasticsheeting.com. CEO Lee Hinsley