Black Fire Retardant Roll Plastic Sheeting 4 mil & 8 mil

 Fire Retardant  Poly is the Wave of the Future

GPS 4 mil and 8 mil black FIRE RETARDANT Plastic is used for construction, theater productions, museums to protect art from UV lighting, haunted houses -residential and commercial events that require a flame retardant plastic. This plastic doesn't burn it melts. It doesn't add to the fire.

  • WHY? It passes all the necessary local fire marshal test requirements which saves lives should a fire break out!:

These black FR films pass the NFPA 701-15 Test 1, Section 1237.1.  Also passes the ASTM E84 Class A Test. ("Standard Method of Test for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials". The foregoing
test procedure is comparable to UL 723, ANSI/NFPA No. 255, and UBC No. 8-1. 

Are both 4 mil and 8 mil black plastic sheeting opaque?

Yes! One of the largest  aerospace company even made new equipment to test these films to 9 decimal places. They blocked out 99.999999999% of light and UV rays. 

GPS Black Fire Retardant Polyethylene- 8 mil

The GPS  Black Fire Retardant Polyethylene 8 mil accomplishes what the 4 mil product does, but is thicker and stronger. Like the 4 mil, it protects from UV Rays.

Test Results: Passes NFPA 701-15 Test 1, FAR25.853a, ASTM E-84 Class A

Approvals:Boeing  BAC5034-2 PSD6-23 Barrel sections D011U215-01

 All weather applications


GPS Black Fire Retardant (Fire Rated)  Polyethylene- 4 mil

This Black Opaque Polyethylene is 4 mil and fire retardant. It is ideal for covering anything that needs protection from UV Rays.  For example, this product can be rolled out over a large airplane section and secured with FR Safety Strapping/and or tapes approved for the surfaces being covered.  Ideal for use over unpainted composites which are susceptible to damage from UV.

Test Results: Passes NFPA 701-15 Test 1,  FAR25.853a    

Approvals:  C Non all weather applications only



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Resource page for Plastic Sheeting, Greenhouse Plastic, Fire Retardant Products, HDPE- LLDPE, Tapes  760 597 9298 Global plastic sheeting