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Optimal Vapor Barrier for Under Concrete

Written by Global Plastic Sheeting | Wed, Dec 20, 2023 @ 11:40

In the intricate world of construction, the importance of vapor barriers under concrete slabs cannot be overstated. Builders and contractors, let's delve into the crucial aspects of material choices, installation considerations, industry classifications, and the indispensable advantages of incorporating vapor barriers in your projects.

Material Choices for Under Concrete Slabs/ Best Moisture Barrier for Concrete Floor:

  1. Polyethylene Sheeting:

    • Advantages: Cost-effective, versatile, and readily available.
    • Considerations: Varying thicknesses (6 mil, 10 mil, etc.) for different applications.
  2. Reinforced Vapor Barriers:

    • Advantages: Enhanced durability and tear resistance.
    • Considerations: Ideal for high-traffic or challenging installation environments.
  3. Bituminous Membranes:

    • Advantages: Excellent waterproofing properties.
    • Considerations: Suitable for specific projects where moisture control is critical.
  4. Composite Vapor Barriers:

    • Advantages: Combines multiple materials for improved performance.
    • Considerations: Offers a balance between cost and effectiveness.

Area for Vapor Barrier Installation:

The vapor barrier will be installed on the subgrade, creating a protective layer between the soil and the concrete slab. The subgrade preparation is vital, ensuring a smooth surface free from debris and sharp objects that could compromise the integrity of the vapor barrier.

Industry Classifications for Under Concrete Vapor Barriers:

  1. ASTM E1745:

    • Purpose: Standard Specification for Water Vapor Retarders Used in Contact with Soil or Granular Fill under Concrete Slabs.
    • Classification: Types A, B, C, D, E, and F based on permeance and puncture resistance.
  2. ASTM D4397:

    • Purpose: Standard Specification for Polyethylene Sheeting for Construction, Industrial, and Agricultural Applications.
    • Classification: Types I, II, III, IV, and V based on material properties.

Necessity of a Vapor Barrier:

While not mandatory in all cases, using a vapor barrier under concrete slabs is highly recommended. The decision depends on factors such as climate, soil conditions, and the intended use of the structure. Vapor barriers provide a critical defense against moisture infiltration, mitigating the risk of concrete deterioration, mold growth, and potential health hazards.

Advantages of Having a Vapor Barrier:

  1. Moisture Control:

    • Prevents moisture from migrating through the slab, safeguarding against concrete degradation.
  2. Mold Prevention:

    • Creates a barrier that inhibits mold and mildew growth, promoting a healthier indoor environment.
  3. Increased Durability:

    • Extends the lifespan of the concrete by minimizing exposure to damaging moisture.
  4. Improved Indoor Air Quality:

    • Reduces the risk of indoor air quality issues associated with mold and moisture.
  5. Energy Efficiency:

    • Enhances the efficiency of insulation systems by preventing moisture-related thermal conductivity.

Remember, choosing the right vapor barrier is an investment in the longevity and health of your construction project. So, do your research, understand the options, and don't hesitate to consult with a professional at Global Plastic Sheeting (866.597.9298) if needed. 

FAQ's Regarding Vapoar Barriers Under Concrete

  1. Should I put vapor barrier under concrete?

    • Yes, it's generally recommended to install a vapor barrier under a concrete slab. This is because:

        • Prevents moisture damage: A vapor barrier blocks moisture from the ground from migrating into the concrete, which can cause various problems like:
            • Dampness and mold growth
            • Slab deterioration and cracking
            • Flooring issues (buckling, warping, peeling)
            • Corrosion of rebar (if present)
        • Protects flooring: Moisture in the slab can also damage flooring materials, especially those sensitive to humidity.
      • Extends slab life: A vapor barrier helps maintain a drier slab, potentially extending its lifespan.
  2. What is the code for vapor barrier under a concrete slab?

    • Building codes may vary, but ASTM E1745 and ASTM D4397 are common standards for vapor barriers under concrete, guiding material and installation requirements.
  3. What is the best material for under a concrete slab?

        • Polyethylene sheeting (poly): Most common and affordable option, available in various thicknesses (10-mil or 15-mil often used).
        • Cross-laminated polyethylene (XPE): More durable and puncture-resistant than standard poly.
      • High-density polyethylene (HDPE): Very strong and puncture-resistant, but less flexible.


In conclusion, the selection of the right vapor barrier is a nuanced decision, requiring careful consideration of material properties, industry standards, and project-specific needs. By understanding the options available and the advantages they offer, builders and contractors can make informed choices, ensuring the longevity and performance of concrete structures in diverse construction scenarios.

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